MAHARASHTRA, INDIA (ANS) -- Sohan didn’t know what to expect when the man asked him to wait for just a minute. Sohan, a third year student at a Gospel for Asia Bible college, was handing out Gospel tracts in a city in Maharashtra, India. One man who received a tract asked Sohan to stay put until he got back.
What Sohan didn’t realize was that he had given a Gospel tract to the leader of a powerful anti-Christian extremist group. The extremist leader asked Sohan to wait so he could get others from his group to help him attack this missionary in training.
Sohan thought nothing of the request. It was not unusual for people to bring their friends to hear the message preached by the missionaries. And Sohan was excited because many of the people who received tracts during this summertime outreach had already opened their heart to the Gospel message.
But the extremists had other plans. When they got back to Sohan, they proceeded to slap him around and drag him to the local police station, where he was charged with forcing people to convert to Christianity.
The police let Sohan go but required that he return each month for questioning. And while Sohan did have to appear once in court for more questioning, as he answered the questions honestly, the judge realized his innocence—and dropped all charges against him!
Soon, Sohan will be sent to his first ministry assignment. And because of his experience during a summer outreach, he will be better equipped to stand strong for God in spite of the difficult circumstances.