Uganda: Pentecostal pastor in fear for his life after death threats from Muslim extremists

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - A pastor who oversees Pentecostal churches in Uganda’s Kiboga district is in fear for his life and the lives of his family and congregation after he received credible death threats from Islamic extremists, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

Christians in Uganda have come under increasing violent persecution by Islamic extremists, although Christianity is legal and Muslims are a minority in the country.

Pastor Godfrey Ssemujju, who oversees 130 Elim Pentecostal churches in the Kiboga district, said he has been threatened by 14 Muslim extremists, who are angered at his preaching and evangelical work. A Christian man in the same region was murdered by Islamists a month ago.

In a text message Pastor Ssemujju shared with MSN, the Islamists threatened: “We warn you to stop converting our people to Christianity. If you continue doing this, then take note that [taking] your life is our Jannah [koranic paradise in the afterlife]. After killing you, our Allah will reward us with it.”

The pastor has been receiving messages like this for about three months, MSN said. The messages increase in their intensity after he preaches at open air events. In particular, the extremists are enraged that the pastor led 70 Muslims to Christ this summer.

Moreover, churches overseen by Pastor Ssemujju have been persecuted by Islamists: “On July 25, assailants killed tens of head of livestock belonging to one of his church members; on July 6, Muslim extremists attacked Robert Bwenje, who succumbed to his injuries on July 10 at age 28, and assistant pastor Ambrose Mugisha, seriously wounding his head; and on June 26, Muslim extremists demolished a church building in Rwomuriro village and threatened to kill Pastor James Baingana,” MSN reported.

“I am worried and very fearful,” Pastor Ssemujju told MSN.