India: Christians face ongoing intense persecution, “Please pray for their protection, provision, and peace”

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - Many Christians in India face intense persecution from both their neighbors and communities and from government officials; ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party since 2014, India ranks 11th on the US Open Doors World Watch List 2023 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

Reporting on one recent example of the type of persecution Christians in India are subjected to, the International Christian Concern (ICC) persecution watchdog asked for prayer for 13 Christian families forced out of their village homes by their neighbors because they refused to renounce their faith in Christ.

“Despite immense pressure from fellow villagers and the village chief to deny their newfound faith, the Christians remained steadfast,” ICC reports.

“One of the villagers said that ‘even if [he has] to die, [he] will be ready, but not deny [his] faith in Christ.’ Sadly, the threats that he and his fellow Christian villagers are facing are very real.”

‘Today, will you set aside a moment to join us in prayer for these 13 courageous families? Please pray for their protection, provision, and peace,” ICC requested.

In a separate report about the situation for Christians in India, the US-based Open Doors Christian aid organization said: “The Christians most at risk are those who have come to faith from a Hindu background. In some parts of India, many face constant pressure to return to Hinduism, social exclusion, discrimination at work, physical assaults, and are sometimes even killed.”