Mali: Hundreds of civilians killed by Islamic State fighters, “please pray”

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - Survivors of Islamic State attacks in Mali have given testimony to the Human Rights Watch (HRW) organization that indicates hundreds of civilians in the north-west African country were killed by jihadists in the first half of this year alone, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Mali has been plagued by a staggering rise in Islamic terror attacks since jihadists took over much of its northern section in a coup in 2012.

In addition to being subjected to killings, thousands of Mali’s civilians have been displaced and many have been kidnapped and had their property stolen by the jihadists. “Islamic State fighters have no mercy for the population,” a witness told HRW.

Quoting a humanitarian worker in the Ménaka region, the HRW report said the attacks involve widespread “looting, targeted killings, [and] kidnappings sometimes followed by demands of ransom.”

Two other witnesses told HRW that they were forced to escape from Bourra and take their families to Ansongo following violence and threats by ISGS (Islamic State Greater Sahara) fighters.“They said that since 2022, the group’s fighters have ‘raped our women’ and imposed Sharia (Islamic law) on their village, requiring them to pay zakat [religious tax] and adhere to strict morality and dress codes,” HRW reported.

In its own report, ICC called for prayer for those suffering persecution in Mali.

“Please pray for all those persecuted, that God’s love would comfort and strengthen them in their trials, and that He will use his church to reach all in need. Please also pray that those who persecute the church will experience God’s love, accept it, and be granted true repentance,” ICC requested.