International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - The annual International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is set for Sunday, November 5th this year, Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reports.

Today, more than 360 million Christians are living in nations where they are subjected to high levels of persecution for their faith,” VOM said in its report. “As these believers undergo daily threats to their freedoms, security, and safety, their courageous faithfulness remains based on the reassuring promises that God's presence is with them in the midst of every difficulty they face.”

Organized by IDOP with ministry partners, the day of prayer has a theme and a special focus on specific countries each year, VOM reports.

This year, the theme is Courage to Rise Above, and the featured countries are Nicaragua, Nigeria, and India.

The website has made available free resources that can be downloaded to help churches incorporate the International Day of Prayer into their worship services or meetings.

“Please join us on Sunday, November 5th, in praying that our suffering global family in Christ will experience continued strength and confidence in the presence of our Saviour and Lord,” VOM requested in their report. “As these persecuted believers receive the courage to "rise above," may they be empowered and equipped to testify as bold witnesses of God's unending goodness and love. And as we pray for them, may we likewise be motivated to remain resolute in our faith, living courageously and without fear, knowing that our Heavenly Father will assuredly be with us at all times as well.”