Chinese Students Told Parents Won’t Want Them Anymore If They Practice Xie Jiao Christianity

Monday, July 29, 2019

by Jordan Hilger, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - The extent of anti-Christian indoctrination in Chinese schools came to light recently in a testimony published by Bitter Winter, which detailed the way Christian children are being turned against their parents.

Xie Jiao, according to the human rights magazine, is now the preferred term for Christianity in the Chinese school system, meaning something loosely translated as “heterodox teaching”--used to stigmatize opposition and consolidate official control since the Ming dynasty.

“Before starting school, I told my child about God’s creation, and he believed it. But after being taught at school, my child is like a different person,” one Christian woman, whose son accused her of being Xie Jiao, told the magazine. “In atheistic China, these pure and innocent children have been taught to hate God.”

Another report coming out of Xinzheng City, Henan Province from late April revealed the sadistic nature of the brainwashing, in which children are being asked to report on their parents’ movements with regard to spiritual matters.

“If your mom goes to church and believes in God, she doesn’t want you as her child anymore,” a teacher at a primary school reportedly told a student.

China has the most advanced apparatus for persecuting Christians and other Xie Jiao in the world, with most churches having been ordered to install surveillance cameras over the last few years, and many Uighur Muslims detained as “pre-criminals,” or on the basis of a mere likelihood to commit crime.