Canada: Pastor Pawlowski released after 6 weeks in jail for ‘inciting mischief’ at Freedom Convoy blockade

Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski has been released after spending 51 days in jail on charges of inciting “mischief” while preparing to hold a service in Alberta for Freedom Convoy activists protesting US-Canada border Covid-19 restrictions on February 8, CBN reports. The pastor is reported to have been in solitary confinement during his incarceration.

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Canada: Pastor spends second night in jail to stand for religious freedom

A pastor in Manitoba, Canada spent an additional night in prison last week after rejecting bail conditions that would have prevented him from preaching at his church, Fox News reports. Pastor Tobias Tissen who leads Manitoba’s Church of God Restoration was imprisoned for two days after violating a COVID-19 order which banned outdoor gatherings of more than five people.

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