Nigeria faces ‘sustained campaign to wipe out Christianity’ while government does nothing

Director of the Denis Hurley Peace Institute (DHPI) Johan Viljoen has joined other leaders in stating that Nigeria is facing a “sustained campaign to wipe out Christianity,” and that the government is doing nothing to stop it, Crux reports. The DHPI is a part of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference.

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Nigeria: Secular High Court upholds death penalty for blasphemy

In a move that has caused severe consternation among rights groups, the secular High Court in Nigeria’s Kano state has upheld a recent death sentence given by a Sharia court to a man accused of blasphemy, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Controversially, Kano is one of 12 northern Nigerian states whose legal system operates under both the secular Nigerian penal code and the Islamic Sharia law.

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Nigeria: Christian women are being raped by Islamic terrorists seeking to destroy their communities

The Open Doors Christian advocacy organization has warned that Christian women in Nigeria are now being raped by Islamic militants as part of an ongoing systemic effort to destroy Christian communities through murder, terror attacks, abductions, and displacement, Christian Today reports.

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Christian Genocide in Nigeria

The ongoing slaughter of Christians in Nigeria at the hands of Islamic extremists meets the established international standards for genocide, the Colson Center reports. The International Christian Concern advocacy group reported in 2020 that between 50,000 to 70,000 Christians have been killed by Islamic terrorists; the Open Doors USA advocacy group reported this year that one Nigerian Christian is killed for their faith every two hours, 13 a day, 372 a month.

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Nigeria: Four children among seven Christians murdered

As the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria continues, four children were among seven Christians murdered by suspected Fulani jihadists in Nigeria’s Plateau state on Sunday, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Nigeria ranked number one in the world last year for Christians murdered by Islamic terrorists on account of their faith.

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