Uganda: Evangelist Murdered for Leading Muslims to Christ, "We Are Coming for Your Life"

Yowabu Sebakaki, a Ugandan evangelist who led Muslims to Christ and discipled them, was brutally murdered for the Gospel by Islamic extremists in eastern Uganda earlier this month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda, but evangelists and Muslim converts are vulnerable to violent attacks and murder by Islamic extremist elements in the country.

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Uganda: Muslim Son Accused of Murdering His Newly Christian Mother

A Christian mother who converted from Islam in Uganda is believed to have been murdered by her Muslim son after she refused to renounce Christ, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda but former Muslims who accept Christ are highly vulnerable to extreme violence by Islamic relatives who do not accept their conversion.

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Uganda: Evangelist Slaughtered, Christian Mother And Child Violently Attacked

In two separate attacks by Muslim extremists in Uganda last month, an evangelist was murdered and a mother and her child were burned with boiling water, Morning Star News reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda, but believers have come under continually increasing violent attack by Islamists.

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Uganda: Former Muslim Converts To Christ Vulnerable To Extreme Violence From Islamic Community, Christian Couple Slaughtered

Christianity is legal in Uganda, but believers who left Islam for Christ are increasingly vulnerable to extreme violence by radicalized Muslim relatives and neighbors. In the latest incident of such brutality, a formerly Muslim couple in eastern Uganda were hacked to death on Feb. 2, just weeks after putting their faith in Christ, Morning Star News reported.

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Uganda: Muslims Beat Evangelist Unconscious, Burn His Home

Muslim extremists in eastern Uganda beat a Christian man unconscious, and then torched his house, after seeing him setting up for a Gospel event near their village last month, Morning Star News reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda but believers have come under increasing violent persecution from radicalized Muslims, with those who left Islam for Christ being particularly vulnerable to attacks.

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Uganda: Islamic-State Affiliates Slaughter 10 Christians in Run-Up to Christmas, “The Christians Will Not Celebrate the Birth of Issa [Jesus]”

As swathes of Africa succumb to Islamic jihadist terrorists intent on slaughtering Christians and other “infidels,” members of the Islamic-State affiliated Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) murdered 10 Christians in western Uganda on Dec. 19, Morning Star News reports.

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