Uganda: Evangelist violently attacked by Muslim extremist relatives

Christian evangelist Malingumu Bruhan was violently attacked and nearly burned to death in Nawaikoke, Uganda earlier this month by Muslim relatives who accused him of being an infidel, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda but believers have come under increasing attack by minority Muslim extremists, particularly in the eastern part of the country.

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Uganda: Evangelist beaten and left to die by Islamic extremists

Ugandan evangelist Charles Kamya was beaten unconscious and left for dead in Kampala, Uganda last week by Islamic extremists enraged at his preaching the Gospel, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Although Muslims are a small minority in Uganda, Christians have come under increasing attack by Islamic extremists there.

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Uganda: Christian pastor dies from beating by Muslim relatives

A former Imam who became a Christian pastor in eastern Uganda has died from injuries he sustained during a violent attack by relatives enraged at his conversion, Christian Headlines (CH). Christianity is legal in Uganda, but believers have come under frequent attack from Muslim extremists.

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Uganda: Radical Islamists severely beat up wife and daughter of evangelist they murdered last year

Radical Islamists who murdered Christian evangelist Simon Olinga in eastern Uganda last year have now beaten up his widow and daughter so harshly the girl remains unable to walk, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Believers in Uganda have come under increasing attack from Islamic extremists although Muslims are a small minority and Christianity is legal.

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Uganda: Muslim husband murders wife and children for their faith in Christ

A Muslim man in Kayunga, Uganda is understood to have murdered his wife and two children by strangulation and hanging because his spouse and eight-year-old child received Christ following Christmas worship services last month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Although Muslims are a minority in Uganda, Christians in the country have been increasingly vulnerable to violent attacks by Islamic extremists.

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Uganda: New Christians driven from their homes by Islamic extremists

Brand new Christians in eastern Uganda came under severe attack last month, as Muslim neighbors destroyed their crops and drove them from homes upon hearing of their conversion from Islam to Christ, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Christians in Uganda have come under increasing attack from Islamic extremists, even though Muslims make up only 12% of the population.

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Uganda: Islamists decapitate Christian who led Muslims to Jesus, leave his head in a swamp

A 60-year-old Ugandan evangelist was decapitated by suspected Islamic extremists in Luuka District, Uganda on October 16, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. An elder in the local Church of Christ congregation, Alex Mukasa of Busandha B village, Bukoova Town council in Luuka District had led three Muslims to Christ prior to his murder.

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Uganda: Two Islamists charged with murdering Christian pastor

Two Islamists in eastern Uganda have been charged with murdering Pastor Barnabas Musana of Nangonde Sub-County on September 12, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. The two men are believed to have killed Pastor Musana because he was leading Muslims to Christ through evangelistic events and public debates about Islam and Christianity.

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