Chinese Christians Pay Ultimate Price
Soon after winning the right to host the 2008 Olympics, China is showing the world that being a non-registered Christian is a most dangerous sport.
...continue reading this storySoon after winning the right to host the 2008 Olympics, China is showing the world that being a non-registered Christian is a most dangerous sport.
...continue reading this storySouth China Church Pastor Gong Shengliang to be executed within days if his appeal is denied
The Voice of the Martyrs is making an urgent appeal to Christians around the world to pray for Pastor Gong Shengliang. Pastor Gong was reportedly sentenced to death last month after a court in Hubei Province declared him guilty of using an "evil cult" to "undermine the enforcement of the law" and of "complicity of rape."
...continue reading this storyThe Voice of the Martyrs rejoiced to learn yesterday that Chinese Christian “Sister Tong” has been released from prison following a 15 day prison sentence. A VOM worker in the area was able to pass financial support and encouragement to her.
...continue reading this storyThirty-five house church Christians were arrested in Inner Mongolia and 15 were sent to labor camps after police raided a worship meeting being held on May 26 in Dongsheng, the Associated Press reported on May 30.
...continue reading this storyBEIJING (BP)--Lay evangelists from numerous house churches in China are not alone as they direct their efforts toward unreached people groups and cities with the gospel.
...continue reading this storyOn October 16, 2000, twenty-one-year-old Liu Haitao from Henan province in central China died as the result of severe police beatings. Although the immediate cause of his death was a kidney ailment that flared up after police mistreatment and a harsh imprisonment, there is no question his death was the result of his witness for Christ, which makes him a martyr for the faith. Local Christians in the area plan to observe October 16 as a memorial day to the life of the young Christian.
...continue reading this storyThe continued detention of 24 American aviators by the Chinese government should come as no surprise to Washington.
"The Chinese government is demonstrating its true color and unfortunately that color is Red," says The Voice of the Martyrs spokesman Gary Lane.
...continue reading this storyAuthorities Urged to Determine Whether Cults are 'Harmful to Society' by Alex Buchan LONDON (Compass) -- The Chinese government sponsored an International Symposium on Evil Cults in Beijing November 8-10 that urged local authorities not to inquire too closely into the beliefs of accused cults. Instead, authorities were encouraged to assess whether they are "harmful ... Read more
...continue reading this storyLetters from Chinese Christians Detail Local Problems and Persecution ANHUI "Here we only have one registered church, which is packed out with people standing in the courtyard. However, since the church was opened, none of the accounts listing all the believers' donations have ever been made public to them. The pastor has dismissed several Christians ... Read more
...continue reading this storyWhen millions of Chinese evangelicals gather for services in their homeland, the worship is rarely music to the ears. Forget the last minute sound checks, voice warm-ups, or instrument tuning. This worship is music to the heart.
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