Iran Threatens Church with Bombing
Another church in Tehran was ordered to cease holding services in Farsi, the Iranian national language, otherwise it could be "bombed".
Another church in Tehran was ordered to cease holding services in Farsi, the Iranian national language, otherwise it could be "bombed".
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recommended that the Secretary of State name Pakistan as a Country of Particular Concern in its 2012 Annual Report.
...continue reading this storyAt least a dozen devoted Christians from Iran's third largest city remained in jail Saturday, March 17, as part of an attempt by authorities to discourage Muslims and Christian converts to attend church services, Iranian Christians said.
Yet another convert and member of a house church was arrested along with many other Christians in Esfahan, according to the Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News.
Iran again ordered the death penalty for jailed Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani for refusing to recant his faith in Christ and return to Islam raising fears his execution is imminent, a well-informed church official told Worthy News and its news partner BosNewsLife Tuesday, February 21.
The health of a jailed pastor of one of Iran's largest evangelical house church movements is deteriorating and there were fears Monday he may die, a well-informed representative told Worthy News.
Embattled Iranian Christians urged prayers Tuesday, February 14, as Iranian security forces reportedly launched a crackdown on devoted 'official' churches and house congregations operating outside government control.
Iranian security forces have raided a house church and detained 10 members who gathered for a prayer service as part of a winder crackdown, Iranian Christians told Worthy News.
A Christian convert has been sentenced to two years in prison by a Revolutionary Court in Tehran.
Syrian and Iranian Christians are being targeted for further persecution, according to Christian news reports.