Communist Rebels Decapitate Indian Pastor, Wife Severely Beaten

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

By George Whitten, Worthy News International Correspondent

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Worthy News)-- Communist Rebels decapitated a pastor and cut up his body after murdering him, and severely beat his wife in Valam Guve Village, India, according to a Washington-based Christian human rights organization.

Christian Advocacy group International Christian Concern (ICC) said that on September 4, Pastor Pangi Papa Rao and his wife, Chittamma, were returning from a prayer meeting at 3:30 PM when the masked communists stopped them. The pastor told them his name and explained that he and his wife were returning home from a prayer meeting. As soon as they heard the pastor’s name, they murdered him in front of his wife and severely beat her.

The communists (Maoists) gave a statement to the local newspaper that they were responsible for the pastor’s death. They said they had killed him because the pastor was an informant for the government of India. They warned others that they also would receive the same kind of punishment.

According to ICC sources, the pastor was a dedicated Christian and never worked as an informant of the government.

He is survived by his wife and 19-year-old daughter. Pastor Rao’s church had close to 40 members; the congregation now attends a nearby church.

Communist (Maoist) rebels have been fighting the government of India for several years. They have strong support among landless farmers and tribal groups.