Congressman Calls for Dismissal of Ambassador

Friday, July 13, 2012

By Joseph DeCaro, Worthy News Correspondent

WASHINGTON D.C. (Worthy News)-- Congressman Frank Wolf has called for the immediate dismissal of America's ambassador to Vietnam after showing little concern for the importance of human rights in that country, according to International Christian Concern.

In a letter to President Obama, Wolf wrote that the ambassador’s dismissal of human rights issues was “symptomatic of this administration’s overall approach to human rights and religious freedom.”

As part of a campaign to eradicate Christianity from Vietnam's more rural regions, government-sponsored agents attacked a priest and his parishioners during a Christian service in the north-central part of the country on July 1, and in June, local police and paramilitary forces destroyed two Christian churches, leaving hundreds of ethic Hmongs without a place to worship.

“For the last several years the U.S. has sought to strengthen ties with the Communist government of Vietnam while brushing aside the regime’s long list of human rights abuses, including the systematic persecution of Christians," said Ryan Morgan, ICC’s Regional Manager for Southeast Asia. "Christians are being arrested, beaten, tortured, and driven from their homes by a government that sees their religious beliefs as a threat. I fully agree with the sentiment expressed in Congressman Wolf’s letter to the administration and call for the State Department to stop prioritizing virtually every other issue at the expense of Vietnam’s human rights activists and Christians.”