Evangelist Beaten Up by Hindu Radicals in India

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

By James Varghese
Special to ASSIST News Service

ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA (ANS) -- A group of Hindu radicals attacked an evangelist and beat him up.

The incident occurred on July 5 at Baswapur village, Andhra Pradesh state, India.

According to a report published by www.persecution.in,  evangelist Shyam Kumar, 22, was attacked for reportedly engaging in forced conversions.

The website reported that as Kumar was walking near a bus stop, he saw a group of beggars asking for help. He went over to them, gave them some gospel tracts and shared the Word of God with them.

According to the story, Kumar’s actions were observed by four members of the Hindu group Rashtriya Swayam Sevaks (RSS), or National Volunteer Servants. These individuals approached Kumar and accused him of forced conversion.

According to the web site, the radicals caught Kumar, and started to attack him with their fists. They beat him so hard that they knocked him unconscious. The radicals then left.

The website said that Kumar's friend, who was returning from college, noticed him lying there and took him to the nearby clinic.

According to www.persecution.in, Kumar had just completed his Bible education in Kerala and returned home in February. He had a vision to share the good news among the beggars and the poor people. He began his ministry about a month ago.