Fulani dressed as police kidnap 6 intercessors from Christian center

Thursday, June 30, 2022

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - Amid a 12-year onslaught of murders and abductions of Christians in Nigeria, Fulani jihadists dressed as policemen stormed a Catholic center in Nigeria’s Enugu state and abducted six intercessors earlier this month, Sahara Reporters has reported.

Fulani militants wearing police uniforms attacked the Catholic pilgrims center in Ibite Awhum community, in the Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State during a prayer meeting, and took off into the forest with the six believers, Sahara Reporters said. The alarm was raised and forest guards from both the Udi and Enugu East local government councils pursued the kidnappers and were able to rescue the Christians.

Clementina Ofor, a participant in the prayer event at the pilgrim’s center told Sahara Reporters about the moment the gunmen carried out the kidnappings: "Immediately, they left with six prayer partners, I ran to the village and raised an alarm which drew the attention of villagers to the incident. Immediately, security agents were mobilized and they went after them in the forest.”

According to statements given by those who were kidnapped, the jihadists took them deep into the forest and took their phones. Then, suddenly, the abductors “became panicky and subsequently ran into the forest, leaving them alone and confused before the forest guards appeared,” Sahara Reporters said in their reporting of the story.

Nigeria ranked first in the world last year for both the number of Christians murdered and the number of Christians kidnapped by jihadists on account of their faith.