Mozambique: Imprisoned missionaries denied bail

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - A US missionary pilot and two South African missionary volunteers who have been imprisoned on suspicion of supporting insurgent activity in Mozambique have been denied bail by a local court, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

Ryan Koher, 31, a pilot for the US-based ministry Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), and South African MAF volunteers W.J. du Plessis (77) and Eric Dry (69) were arrested in Mozambique’s city of Inhambane on November 4 while loading supplies to take to Christian-run orphanages in Cabo Delgado Province, CP reports. The missionaries’ application for bail was denied earlier this month.

In a statement, Koher’s wife Annabel thanked the many Christians who have been fasting and praying for her husband and said he is at peace with not being granted bail. thankful for the continued prayers and fasting on behalf of her husband, CP reports.

Koher was able to send a letter to MAF through the US embassy and said he is “doing well.”

He added: “Whatever path God has me take, he has a work for me to complete, and I need not fear in the face of suffering because I am united with Christ.”

“These things are very comforting to me because I know he will be with me and has a purpose in it all,” Koher said. “Please pray that he would help me conduct myself in a manner worthy of the Gospel so that I will not be frightened by those who oppose me.”