China: Evangelist detained for trying share Gospel with Xi Jinping

A Christian woman in China has again been put in detention for trying to share the Gospel with the leader of China’s ruling communist party, President Xi Jinping, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Evangelist Zhou Jinxia has tried repeatedly to share her faith with the communist leader and has been jailed on previous occasions for her efforts.

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Sudan: Church leaders arrested following Muslim complaints

Two leaders of the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) in Sudan’s Al Jazirah state were arrested and detained last month after Muslim extremists complained that the church was disrespectful to their religion, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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Egypt: Coptic Christians charged with terrorism

Nine Coptic Christians in Egypt are in prison, charged with committing an act of terrorism after participating in a peaceful protest requesting permission to rebuild their destroyed church in the Minya Governorate, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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China: Christian publishes prayer letter for church and imprisoned husband, “please pray for God’s justice”

A Christian woman in China has published a letter asking believers to pray for her husband, who has been imprisoned for leading the Panshi house church in China’s Shizuishan, and for the church itself, China Aid reports. China ranks 17 on the US Open Doors Watch List of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

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India: Christians jailed on false charges

Four Christians in India’s Madhya Pradesh state have been jailed on false charges of trying to forcibly convert Hindus to faith in Jesus Christ, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Anti-conversion laws in numerous Indian states are increasingly abused by Hindu nationalist extremists to imprison, assault, murder, and displace Christians in the country.

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DRC: Christian trauma counselor murdered by Islamic terrorists

An Anglican Christian trauma counselor was among four civilians killed in an attack by Islamic Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) terrorists in Karuruma, eastern DR Congo on Thursday, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Algeria: Christian man imprisoned for preaching the Gospel

Protestant Christian Mohammed Derrab has been sentenced to 18 months imprisonment in Algeria, after being arrested for preaching the Gospel and giving out a Bible in front of his church building in January, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Nigeria: More Christians murdered by Islamic terrorists in Chibok, “the government has abandoned Chibok”

Three more Christians have been killed by suspected Islamic State West Africa Province terrorists in northeast Nigeria’s Chibok region, Morning Star News (MSN) report. Nigeria ranked number one in the world last year for the number of Christians murdered on account of their faith.

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