Christians Killed As Islamist Militants Attack Mozambique Town

Dozens of people, including Christians, were killed and thousands forced to flee after hundreds of Islamist militants attacked the northern Mozambique town of Palma, aid workers say.

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China persecution: 30 officials raid house church, remove property without warrants

Amid continuing raids on house churches, more than 30 officials conducted a warrantless raid on the Mt. Olive house church in China’s Chongqing municipality last Wednesday, Christian Post reports. The officials arrived at the house church with trucks in which they removed all property from the home.

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Indonesia Suicide Church Bombing Injures 14 Worshipers

Indonesian President Joko Widodo pledged to break up a terror network Sunday after two suspected suicide bombers attacked a Catholic Church in the city of Makassar, injuring 14 worshipers.

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