Algeria: Government threatening to shut down another Protestant church

Algerian government authorities are threatening to shut down yet another church from the Protestant Church of Algeria (Église Protestante d’Algérie– EPA) denomination, having closed 16 EPA churches already, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. While Algeria has the second-largest Christian community in North Africa, the Islamic government seeks to suppress the church in the name of protecting the Muslim faith.

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China: Pastor subject to government harassment since release from prison

Chinese government authorities in Zhejiang province are continuing to harass and threaten a house church pastor who was released from a prison sentence in December 2015, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. China ranks 17 on the US Open Door Watch List 2022 of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

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Uganda: Evangelist beaten and left to die by Islamic extremists

Ugandan evangelist Charles Kamya was beaten unconscious and left for dead in Kampala, Uganda last week by Islamic extremists enraged at his preaching the Gospel, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Although Muslims are a small minority in Uganda, Christians have come under increasing attack by Islamic extremists there.

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India: Christians pray and fast for unity as persecution intensifies

As persecution against Christians in India intensifies, many Indian believers spent Sunday 30 January, the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's assassination in 1948, in prayer and fasting for peace and unity in their country, Christian Today (CT) reports.

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Liberia: Twenty-nine killed in stampede at Christian worship event

Twenty-nine worshippers were killed in a stampede at an all-night Christian worship event in Liberia last month, after a violent street gang attacked organizers on the stage while an offering was being collected, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Iran To Review Jail Sentences Of Christians

Iranian Christians say they “are thankful” that Christian convert Naser Navard Goltapeh’s jail the sentence “will be reviewed” by Iran’s Supreme Court after years of prayers and campaigns, Worthy News learned Monday.

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Iran continues to persecute Christians, new report shows

A new report on the persecution of Christians in Iran has called on Tehran to end the criminalization of house churches and membership, and for the international community to hold the Islamic regime to account for ongoing human rights abuses against believers, Christian Today (CT) reports.

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Nigeria: 11 Christians murdered in attack by Fulani militants

The slaughter of Christians by Fulani terrorists in Nigeria continues: 11 people, including a grandmother who was burned to death, were murdered in a terror attack in Kaduna state on Sunday, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Nigeria ranked number one in the world last year for the number of Christians killed for their faith (4,650 in 2021 alone).

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