Mexican Christians released from jail after representations from human rights group

Three Christians in Mexico were released Thursday after being jailed three days for refusing to help fund a patron saint festival that involves a mix of indigenous and Catholic religious traditions, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. The believers were freed following representations by the Defense of Human Rights of the Peoples of Oaxaca (DDHPO) organization.

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400 million Christians live in countries where churches are persecuted

Over 400 million Christians live in countries that persecute churches, ACS-Italia, the Italian chapter of Aid to the Church in Need, has assessed. The data also shows persecution of believers around the world is worsening, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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Uganda: Muslim husband murders wife and children for their faith in Christ

A Muslim man in Kayunga, Uganda is understood to have murdered his wife and two children by strangulation and hanging because his spouse and eight-year-old child received Christ following Christmas worship services last month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Although Muslims are a minority in Uganda, Christians in the country have been increasingly vulnerable to violent attacks by Islamic extremists.

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Nigeria: Fulani burn believer to death, wound four others; “the silence is deafening”

Warning this would be the “first attack of the New Year,” Fulani militants in Nigeria’s Plateau state burned a Christian to death and wounded four others in a brutal assault on New Year’s Eve, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Fulani terrorists have murdered many thousands of Christians with apparent impunity; the government has consistently downplayed what local and international rights groups have described as an impending genocide.

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Turkey: Churches vandalized as life becomes more difficult for Christians

As life for Christians in Turkey becomes increasingly difficult under the rule of Islamic nationalist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, three churches in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district were vandalized on New Year’s Day, International Chrisitan Concern (ICC) reports.

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