Burkina Faso: Octogenarian Missionary Held Captive for 7 years by Al-Qaeda Terrorists Says God helped him

An elderly Christian missionary doctor who was abducted and held captive by Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists in Burkina Faso for seven years has said God alone helped him to survive the ordeal, Christian Today reports. An Australian national, 88-year-old Dr. Ken Elliott was abducted in 2016 and finally released last year.

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Uganda: Evangelist Murdered for Leading Muslims to Christ, "We Are Coming for Your Life"

Yowabu Sebakaki, a Ugandan evangelist who led Muslims to Christ and discipled them, was brutally murdered for the Gospel by Islamic extremists in eastern Uganda earlier this month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda, but evangelists and Muslim converts are vulnerable to violent attacks and murder by Islamic extremist elements in the country.

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