Chinese Expel Shouwang Church Member from Beijing

christian news in chinaChinese authorities recently expelled yet another member of Beijing's largest unregistered house churches.

Chuan Liang was the second member of the Shouwang "keeping watch" Church to be expelled from the city since authorities compelled the congregation to meet outdoors; the first expulsion came after Shouwang Church held its fifth consecutive outdoor Sunday worship service when 15 members were taken to 10 police stations across Beijing, but most were released within 24 hours.

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Islamist Boko Haram blamed for escalating violence in Nigeria

At least 25 Nigerians were killed Sunday when motorcyclists bombed several outdoor beer gardens in Maiduguri; although no one claimed responsibility for the bombings, local police said the attacks bore the hallmark of Boko Haram, an Islamic group fighting for the implementation of shar'ia, which prohibits alcohol.

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Taliban Execute Man For Leaving Islam For Jesus Christ

Afghani Christians are warned of "dire consequences" should American forces leave Afghanistan, Worthy News has learned. "If U.S. troops are not in Afghanistan the Taliban will come to power," said Obaid S. Christ, an Afghan Christian exiled to India, said last Tuesday. "We will have the same situation we had in the 1990s when the Russians left Afghanistan, when we had civil war and millions killed."

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Uzbek Christians Suffer as Regime Tightens Noose

At least four incidents of Christian persecution were reported from the former Soviet country of Uzbekistan this week. According to an analysis and report researched and written by Fernando Perez for the World Evangelical Alliance – Religious Liberty Commission, a Christian woman was beaten into concussion, another woman was fined $1,465 by a court for giving the New Testament to a child, a Christian man was threatened with axe attack by a police official and another man was assaulted by police.

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