Pakistan: Govt. Announces Christian Children Can Study The Bible Instead Of Islam In School

Christians in Pakistan are cautiously celebrating a major victory for religious freedom as the Pakistani government has decided that non-Muslim children will be exempt from previously required Islamic studies in school and will be able to study the Bible instead, the International Christian Concern (ICC) aid and advocacy organization reports.

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Nigeria: Slaughter of Christians Continues, “More Believers Are Killed For Their Faith In Nigeria Than Everywhere Else In The World Combined”

As the Islamic jihadist slaughter of Christians in Nigeria’s Middle Belt continues unabated and with impunity, suspected Fulani terrorists murdered five more Christians in Benue state on Jan. 18, just days after 10 Christians were murdered in the state on Jan. 7, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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Comoros: Christians Face Ongoing Persecution Following Reelection Of President Assoumani

Christians in the Southeast African island country of Comoros are bracing for continued persecution as Sunni Muslim President Azali Assoumani was reelected in a disputed election earlier this month, the International Christian Concern aid and advocacy organization has reported. Catholic and Protestant Christians make up a tiny percentage of Comoros’ overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim population of less than one million people.

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China: Pastor and Wife Sentenced to Lengthy Jail Terms for Online Preaching

In a further display of China’s crackdown on evangelical Christianity, a court in Liaoning province has sentenced a prominent online Gospel preacher, his wife, and four house church members to lengthy prison terms for allegedly “using superstition to undermine the law” by expressing and sharing their faith in Christ, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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