Evangelist Graham Urges Prayers For Thousands Escaping Afghanistan

American evangelist Franklin Graham has urged believers to pray for the "thousands of people desperately trying to escape from Afghanistan," including Afghan Christians and up to 15,000 Americans as well as their allies. Graham, son of the late legendary preacher Billy Graham, appealed "after the country's fall to the Taliban" group, which he called Islamic extremists.

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Iran's Internet Restrictions Threaten Underground Church

Christians in Iran meeting mostly in secret house groups to avoid detection by police face new challenges as the Islamic government seeks more internet restrictions, according to sources familiar with the situation.

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Christian rights group slams new Cuban law restricting freedom of speech

The international rights group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has publicly condemned a new law issued by the Cuban government which restricts freedom of speech online by criminalizing calls to peaceful protest and criticism of the government. Touted as a ‘cybersecurity law, Legal Decree 35 was published on August 17 in the wake of last month’s nationwide protests against the government.

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Nigeria: Pastor’s son killed by government officials demolishing church

In addition to being continually attacked by Islamic terrorists, Christians in Nigeria are persecuted by the government as well: a pastor’s son was shot to death in Borno state last week by government officials sent to demolish a church building, Christian Today reports.

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Sudanese officials detain shipment of Bibles

Sudanese government officials have detained a shipment of Bibles by demanding customs fees from which it is exempt, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. The officials’ actions are cause for concern in light of the new government’s pledge to allow religious freedom in Sudan following the ouster of dictator Omar al-Bashir in 2019.

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Afghanistan: Persecution of Christians set to intensify under Taliban rule

Rights groups, including Release International, are warning that the persecution of Christians in Afghanistan will likely intensify now the Taliban have taken power and the US and NATO have withdrawn, Christian Today (CT) reports. The Afghan church had been driven underground by Islamic apostasy laws even before the Taliban takeover, but the situation is now reported to be “dire.”

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Afghan Christians standing in faith and calling for prayer, "God has a purpose and a plan”

The Taliban have taken over Afghanistan and local Christian pastors facing the threat of intensified bloody persecution are standing in faith while calling on the worldwide Body of Christ for prayer. "God has a purpose and a plan,” an Afghan pastor told International Christian Concern (ICC).

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