Afghanistan's Regime Denies Prisoners Exchange

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (ANS) -- The Foreign Minister of Afghanistan's Islamic Taliban regime denied Thursday, September 6, that his hard-line movement was considering a prisoner swap with the United States to free eight detained Western Christian relief workers. Reports from the region said that relatives of blind Egyptian militant Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, currently serving a life term in the United States for terrorism, proposed the prison exchange.

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Parents See Detained Aid Workers In Afghanistan; Foreigners Could be Released, but Afghans may be Ex

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (ANS)-- Parents of two American women have seen their daughters for the first time since they and 22 other aid workers were arrested August 5th on charges of spreading Christianity in Islamic Afghanistan. The Bakhtar News Agency (BNA) described the visit as an "emotional reunion" between the mother of Dana Curry, and the father of the other woman, Heather Mercy.

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