Vietnam: Christians Denied Right to Exist
Christians in Vietnam are virtually being denied the right to exist, according to a visit there by a representative of a Washington, DC, based ministry recently.
...continue reading this storyChristians in Vietnam are virtually being denied the right to exist, according to a visit there by a representative of a Washington, DC, based ministry recently.
...continue reading this storyPerhaps because of international reporting on the case, a court in Nukus, the capital of the autonomous republic of Karakalpakstan in western Uzbekistan, has handed down what many regard as a "lenient" sentence against the leader of a local Protestant church.
...continue reading this storyhe authorities in Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic in the north-west of Uzbekistan, are trying to halt the spread of Christianity among Karakalpakstan's native peoples (Uzbeks, Kazakhs and Karakalpaks, who are historically Muslims),
...continue reading this storyAUSTIN, Texas, June 7 (Compass) -- Kidnapped American missionary Martin Burnham was killed today in a Philippine military raid to rescue him, his wife, Gracia, and a Filipina nurse, New Tribes Mission (NTM) has confirmed.
...continue reading this storyFilipino Christians, Danilo de Guzman, 38, and Benjamin Diaz, 40, were deported to the Philippines last Saturday after spending more than a month in prison.
...continue reading this storyISTANBUL, May 7 (Compass) -- Protestant pastor Ahmet Guvener goes on trial in Turkey's southeastern city of Diyarbakir in late May, accused by the state prosecutor of making illegal changes in the architectural plan of his nearly completed church building.
...continue reading this storySANTA ANA, CA (ANS) -- Turkish security police ordered a Protestant Christian congregation meeting for 40 years in the southeastern port city of Iskenderun to close its doors in mid-June, declaring the church had "no legal basis" and that its activities were harmful to society, Compass Direct reported today.
...continue reading this storySOUTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA (ANS) -- A mob has destroyed a church in the predominantly Muslim city of Makassar in South Sulawesi, according to a report from The Barnabas Fund.
...continue reading this storyAdjumani, Uganda - Sudanese Christian refugees living in the Maagi Refugee Camp in the Adjumani Resettlement area of Northern Uganda were attacked by 1200 members of the "Lord's Resistance Army" on Wednesday, July 17th
...continue reading this storyISTANBUL, March 6 (Compass) -- The government of Sudan amputated a Southern Sudanese Christian's right hand for alleged theft in late January, furthering evidence that the Islamist regime has begun enacting harsh Muslim punishments against both Christian and Muslim citizens within the past three months.
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