Sulawesi Christians Ask Open Doors to Plead Their Cause

Christian leaders in Tentena, in Indonesia’s central Sulawesi province, pleaded with Open Doors to “be our voice” in the face of increased atrocities being perpetrated against them in Poso district, known as a “second Ambon.” The most recent atrocity involved a police elite force attacking a Christian village elder and his family on June 27th. A woman neighbor, five months pregnant, was killed in the attack. When Christians went to the local police station to complain, they found all the policemen had fled.

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"Hit List" Of Christian Evangelists On Hindu Extremist Website

A militant Hindu hate website displaying the names of international evangelists, secular and Christian scholars from India, and other “enemies of Hinduism” on its “hit-list” was back on-line after it was salvaged by a radical Jewish organization in Brooklyn, New York. The website calls on militant Hindus to commit violence against the men and women listed.

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Christian Youth Workers Slain In Colombia

(COMPASS) -- In the past two weeks, the civil war in Colombia has claimed the lives of two adult children of evangelical ministers. Church leaders say the deaths may indicate a sinister policy trend among guerrilla groups and paramilitary units to eliminate successful Christian evangelists, especially those attracting youth to Christ.

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Iraq's Long-Suffering Christian Community

For many Western Christians, the mention of "Iraq" gives rise to mental images of Saddam Hussein and the Gulf War. Few realize that there are Christians in Iraq and that those Christians have arguably suffered more from the U.N. sanctions imposed after the 1991 war than from government oppression.

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