Christians in Indonesia's Moluccas fear 'religious cleansing'

Christian communities in Indonesia's Moluccas fear the onslaught of "religious cleansing" as some 3,000 extremist Muslim fighters prepare to converge on the archipelago, according to a British-based group that recently returned from a fact-finding mission. Many families already have fled to other islands as predominantly Christian villages have been razed, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) said.

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China detains 47 members of Protestant group

Chinese police have detained 47 members of a Protestant group in central Anhui province, according to the state press. The Jianghui Morning Daily said last week that six of the main leaders of the Quanfanwei (Holistic) Church face criminal charges for organizing an illegal sect and illegal gatherings.

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Six More Chinese House Church Leaders Arrested and Sentenced

Five house church leaders from the "Born Again" movement of Xu Yongze were arrested at their homes in China's southern Henan province on December 27, 1999. Each was sentenced in February to two years hard labor, according to reliable sources inside the province. Another full-time evangelist -- not with the same movement -- was arrested in Guiyang and also given two years hard labor. Relatives asked that the names of those sentenced be withheld.

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