Church of England considers referencing God in gender-neutral terms

The Church of England has confirmed it is examining the possibility of changing its liturgy to reference God in gender-neutral terms instead of as “Father,” “Him,” and “He,” the New York Post (NYP) reports. However, the denomination has said there are no plans to make changes to the current liturgy at present, and any future change would require “extensive legislation.”

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Myanmar: Christian persecution has increased “exponentially” since military coup

The Free Burma Rangers Christian aid organization is warning that the persecution of Christians in Myanmar has “grown exponentially” since the military coup of February 2021 ended the troubled country’s fragile democracy, the news outlet reports.

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Ukraine: Russian troops target Evangelical buildings in hundreds of attacks on religious sites

The Kyiv-based Institute for Religious Freedom (IRF) has reported that Russian forces have caused “immense destruction” in attacking hundreds of religious buildings in Ukraine, with a grossly disproportionate emphasis on properties belonging to Ukrainian evangelical Christians, Christianity Today (CT) reports.

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