UK: Pro-life activist arrested for silent prayer inside buffer zone is left in legal limbo

A UK pro-life activist who was arrested for allegedly praying silently within an abortion clinic buffer zone has been left in a state of “significant uncertainty” after Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service dropped its charge against her but said the indictment may yet be reinstated, Christian Today (CT) reports. 

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Cash-Strapped Russia Fines Evangelical Christians

Evangelical Christians in Russia were forced to pay a "tax on faithfulness" in 2022, which will likely increase this year as part of a government crackdown on non-Orthodox faiths, rights investigators tell Worthy News.

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European Parliament event highlights Christian persecution worldwide

The ongoing crisis of Christian persecution worldwide was highlighted at the European Parliament last week, at a special presentation of the Open Doors 2023 World Watch List (WWL) of the top 50 countries where believers are most persecuted, European Times reports. Open Doors is an international NGO that monitors persecution levels and helps persecuted Christians around the world.

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Nigeria: Beloved pastor slaughtered by suspected Islamic State terrorists in Adamawa, “he fought a good fight”

Christian communities in Nigeria’s Adamawa state are deeply mourning the loss of Pastor Jerry Hinjari of Christ Nation International, who was murdered by suspected Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists on Thursday, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. The slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians in Nigeria at the hands of Islamic terrorists has gone unchecked by the Nigerian government and the international community for many years now.

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Sudan: Christian ministry team murdered by suspected Islamic extremist

A church pastor was among a ministry team of four Christians who were murdered by suspected Islamic extremists in Sudan last week, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Rights groups have reported worsening conditions for Sudanese believers since the 2021 military coup, which overthrew the transitional government installed after brutal dictator Omar al-Bashir was ousted in 2019.

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