Nigeria: 17 more Christians murdered amid ongoing slaughter; “violations are carried out with impunity”

As rights advocates raise questions about the silence of world powers in the face of the ongoing years-long devastating slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, 17 more Christians were murdered by suspected Fulani militants in Nigeria’s Bauchi and Benue states between Friday and Sunday, Morning Star News reports. 

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UK: Christian teacher may be banned from teaching for his views on transgenderism and same-sex marriage

A Christian teacher in England may be permanently prohibited from teaching in the UK after referring to a female transgender student as a “girl” and telling another student he is opposed to same-sex marriage, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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Malta: Formerly gay Christian man faces jail accused of promoting ‘conversion therapy’

In the first criminal case of its kind, a formerly gay Christian man in Malta is facing trial and a possible prison sentence for allegedly promoting ‘conversion therapy’ that helps people dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction, the Christian Post (CP) reports. Malta banned all such counseling and therapy in 2016, becoming the first country in the European Union to institute such a prohibition.

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Pakistan: National Assembly votes to make controversial blasphemy laws even harsher

Bypassing public debate on the matter, Pakistan’s National Assembly on January 17 voted to make the country’s highly controversial blasphemy laws even harsher than they already are, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. Pakistan ranks seven on the US Open Doors World Watch List 2023 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

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Christian persecution sweeping across Africa may result in “vast humanitarian catastrophe,” report says

A new report by the international aid organization Open Doors shows that persecution against Christians in sub-Saharan Africa is now so intense that the continent is in danger of suffering a “vast humanitarian catastrophe,” the Washington Times reports.

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Nigeria: Five women abducted, pastor shot and wounded in Katsina church terror attack

Five female church members were abducted, and their pastor shot and wounded during a terrorist attack on their church in Nigeria’s Katsina state on Sunday, Morning Star News reports. The attack is just one more of tens of thousands of attacks, murders and abductions, maimings, and displacements of Christians by Islamic militants since 2015.

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