Russian army attacked 270 religious sites in Ukraine during first months of invasion

A new report by the Ukrainian-based Institute for Religious Freedom (IRF) shows that the Russian army destroyed or damaged 270 houses of worship, religious, educational institutions, and sacred sites in Ukraine in the first five months of the invasion launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February, Church Leaders (CL) reports.

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Nigeria: At least 4,000 Christians killed by Islamic extremists in 2022 alone

At least 4,000 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic jihadists this year alone, the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law attested this week, the Christian Post reports. Rights groups have estimated 50,000-80,000 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic militants in the last two decades, as the Nigerian government and international community stand by and do nothing of substance to stop the slaughter.

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Indonesia: Two government officials sign Islamist petition to block church building, violation of Indonesian constitution

In an apparent violation of Indonesia’s constitutional protection of religious freedom, two local officials in Java Island joined forces with Islamist organizations to block the construction of a Christian church building, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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Church of England Evangelicals reject Bishop’s proposal to allow blessing of same-sex marriages

Church of England Evangelicals have rejected a theological essay published by the Bishop of Oxford which argues Anglican clergy should be able to bless and marry same-sex couples if they choose, the Christian Post (CP) reports. The Church of England does not allow the blessing of civil partnerships or the marrying of same-sex couples.

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