Two Christians suddenly released from jail after convictions for leading churches

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei unexpectedly ordered the release of two church leaders imprisoned in the notoriously harsh Evin Prison in Tehran a few days after a fire broke out at the jail on October 15, Morningstar News (MSN) reports. Christian advocacy activists have said they do not know the reason for the Supreme Leader’s decision.

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Sri Lanka: Authorities order churches to close

Local authorities in separate districts of Sri Lanka recently ordered two churches to close down, on the grounds that the congregations’ Christian activities are offensive to their communities, Voice of the Martyrs Canada (VOM) reports. Sri Lanka’s constitution gives preferential status to Buddhism, and demands by the authorities for churches to close are not uncommon.

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Nigeria: Fulani murder 70 Christians in Benue state, officials call for citizens to be given guns

s Fulani militant herdsmen murdered 70 more Christians in Nigeria’s Benue state this month, local authorities called on the federal government to supply Volunteer Guards with AK-47s to protect citizens as official security agencies have been unable to stem the ongoing slaughter of believers by Islamic terrorists, Morning Star News reports.

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