Uganda: Two evangelists attacked after leading Muslims to Christ

Two evangelists in eastern Uganda were brutally attacked by Islamic extremists after they led a number of Muslims to Christ at a public debate on Islam and Christianity last month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda, but extremists from the country’s minority Muslim population have conducted violent attacks against Christians they consider a threat to Islam.

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Uganda: New converts to Christ severely beaten by Islamic extremists

New cases of violent attacks by Islamic extremists against converts to Christ in Uganda continue to be reported: last month, a father of four in Kaliro District was subjected to forty lashes for leaving Islam, and a 52-year-old mother in neighboring Kibuku District was kicked and beaten with sticks until she sustained severe injuries, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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Christians murdered by Islamic terrorists in Plateau, “a strategy to wipe out the Christian population”

Christians in Nigeria continue to die at the hands of Islamic terrorists: five Christians, including a 60-year-old woman, were killed in attacks in Plateau state last month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Tens of thousands of Christians have been murdered by Islamic terrorists since 2009, as rights groups continue to warn of genocide.

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Blinken under pressure to redesignate Nigeria as a “Country of Particular Concern”

As thousands of Christians in Nigeria are murdered by Islamic jihadists every year, a coalition of more than 30 international rights groups and faith-based organizations wrote to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on September 19, asking him to re-designate Nigeria as a “Country of Particular Concern” in regard to religious freedom violations, Church Leaders (CL) reports. The US annually reviews the status of religious freedom in every country in the world and designates each country that has tolerated “particularly severe violations of religious freedom” as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC).

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England: National Health Service settles case with Christian doctor who spoke about Jesus with a patient

England’s National Health Service (NHS) agreed at the eleventh hour to settle a case brought by a Christian doctor who was subjected to severe disciplinary measures for mentioning his faith in Jesus to a patient, Christian Today (CT) reports. Dr Richard Scott was due to challenge the NHS action in a tribunal in Kent on Monday but before the hearing, the NHS agreed to settle the case.

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