Uganda: Evangelist murdered for leading Muslims to Christ

Evangelist Simolya Latifu of Kibuku District in eastern Uganda was murdered Sunday by radicalized Islamists enraged that he had been leading Muslims to Christ, Morning Star News (MSN). Christianity is legal in Uganda but Muslim extremists have increasingly targeted believers in violent attacks aimed at preventing Ugandans from accepting Jesus as their Savior.

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Iran: Five-year sentences for Christians accused of having “deviant beliefs” upheld

Iranian authorities have upheld the five-year prison sentences handed to each of three Christians convicted of “engaging in propaganda” and sharing “deviant beliefs contrary to Holy Sharia law” through practicing their faith at a house church, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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Burkina Faso: Jihadists murder over 100 Christians; UN/EU condemn attack

Jihadist militants believed to be members of Islamic State or al-Qaeda murdered over 100 people in northern Burkina Faso on Saturday, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The United Nations and European Union have condemned the attack and have called for an investigation.

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