Iran: Pastor and two Christian women jailed for leading house churches

A pastor and two Christian women in Iran have been sentenced to jail terms ranging from 6 to 10 years because they are leaders of house churches, Article 18 reports. Iran’s Islamic regime considers Christianity a threat to its power, and has had Christian leaders imprisoned on false charges of violating national security and of disseminating anti-government propaganda.

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State Department report highlights constitutional violations of religious freedom in Nigeria

The Nigerian government has actively persecuted religion, contrary to the provision of religious freedom in Nigeria’s constitution, the US State Department found in its Annual Report on International Religious Freedom (IRF) published on June 2.

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India States Detain Pastors Over 'Forced Conversions,' Death

A pastor and his wife are among the first Christians to face prosecution under controversial anti-conversion legislation that has been introduced in India's southwestern state of Karnataka, while another couple faces similar charges elsewhere in India. Pastor V. Kuriyachan, 62, and his wife Selenamma, 57, were detained for two weeks shortly after Karnataka's governor signed the legislation on May 17, for allegedly converting Hindus to Christianity, police and Christians said.

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