Six Missionaries in India Beaten for Sharing Christ

Monday, January 27, 2003

January 27, 2003 (Gospel for Asia) -- In Orissa, India, where missionary Staines and his two sons were martyred, Gospel workers continue to face persecution.

Anti-Christian fundamentalists had warned six missionaries with Gospel for Asia ( not to preach about Jesus. But the team sensed God’s call to continue ministering despite the opposition, especially since new believers needed discipleship. How could they abandon them?

Today the opposers kept their promise and beat the six men with the intent to kill. Onlookers intervened, however, and their lives were spared. The men were beaten so badly they needed hospital treatment. Pray for their full recovery and strength. While in the hospital, they all testified of their joy in being counted worthy to suffer for Christ. No matter what the cost, they are committed to returning to the same mission station to continue the ministry God gave them.

Like several other Indian states, Orissa has an anti-conversion law in effect. Pray for souls to come to Christ in Orissa and the believers to stay strong in their faith.