Report: North Korea officials may be committing genocide against Christians

A UK Parliamentary group reported last week that government officials in North Korea have been murdering Christians and other people groups at a rate that may amount to genocide, the Washington Examiner reports. The UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on North Korea (APPG) said its report is based on evidence of atrocities committed by North Korean officials against various people groups, including Christians, from 2014 to 2021.

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Chinese Pastors told to preach on Xi Jinping’s anniversary speech saying “only socialism can save China”

China’s government-controlled Protestant Church (known as the Three-Self Patriotic Movement) has told its pastors they must now preach sermons that include a July 1 speech given by President Xi Jinping in which he glorified the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and said “only socialism can save China”, Bitter Winter reports.

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China intensifies censorship of religious books in schools

A rights group that focuses on China has reported that, in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on July 1, the CCP intensified its nation-wide censorship of religious books and materials, Assist News reports. ChinaAid said in its report that a number of schools received notifications forbidding students to read religious books or use other faith-based materials.

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