Christian Association of Nigeria asks probing questions of government after killing of its leader

The Christian Association of Nigeria issued a damning indictment this week of the Nigerian government's failure to save its leader, who was kidnapped in early January and executed by Boko Haram on Monday.

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Christians in India dragged to jail and charged with illegal medicine for healing prayers

Christians in central India accused of illegally practicing medicine spent Christmas Eve and Christmas in jail, later discovering that the charges against them applied to prayers for healing in which they had engaged.

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Protestants face persecution in Mexico as government denies they are being singled out by communities for their faith

Eight Protestant families were denied access to drinking water by community leaders in Mexico in January for not signing a document renouncing their faith, and 4 more Protestants expelled from their village for refusing to participate in local Roman Catholic festivals in July, as the government denies that any religious persecution is taking place.

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Christian doctor in UK cleared after falsely charged with sharing his faith in an invasive way

A Christian doctor in the UK in danger of losing his job and medical license for 3 months was cleared of any wrongdoing by the National Medical Council after it found the charges against him were based on a highly questionable report.

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