Christians murdered by Islamic terrorists in Plateau, “a strategy to wipe out the Christian population”

Christians in Nigeria continue to die at the hands of Islamic terrorists: five Christians, including a 60-year-old woman, were killed in attacks in Plateau state last month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Tens of thousands of Christians have been murdered by Islamic terrorists since 2009, as rights groups continue to warn of genocide.

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Christian Genocide in Nigeria

The ongoing slaughter of Christians in Nigeria at the hands of Islamic extremists meets the established international standards for genocide, the Colson Center reports. The International Christian Concern advocacy group reported in 2020 that between 50,000 to 70,000 Christians have been killed by Islamic terrorists; the Open Doors USA advocacy group reported this year that one Nigerian Christian is killed for their faith every two hours, 13 a day, 372 a month.

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