Nigeria: Fulani jihadists slaughter 41 people in pre-Christmas attacks on Kaduna state Christian areas

Fulani jihadists in Nigeria’s Kaduna state murdered 41 people in a series of attacks on predominately Christian areas this month, Anglican Ink (AI) reports. The attacks have raised concern of even more intensified violence in these Christian areas during the run-up to Christmas.

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Nigeria: At least 4,000 Christians killed by Islamic extremists in 2022 alone

At least 4,000 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic jihadists this year alone, the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law attested this week, the Christian Post reports. Rights groups have estimated 50,000-80,000 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamic militants in the last two decades, as the Nigerian government and international community stand by and do nothing of substance to stop the slaughter.

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Nigeria: Fulani murder 70 Christians in Benue state, officials call for citizens to be given guns

s Fulani militant herdsmen murdered 70 more Christians in Nigeria’s Benue state this month, local authorities called on the federal government to supply Volunteer Guards with AK-47s to protect citizens as official security agencies have been unable to stem the ongoing slaughter of believers by Islamic terrorists, Morning Star News reports.

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Christians murdered by Islamic terrorists in Plateau, “a strategy to wipe out the Christian population”

Christians in Nigeria continue to die at the hands of Islamic terrorists: five Christians, including a 60-year-old woman, were killed in attacks in Plateau state last month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Tens of thousands of Christians have been murdered by Islamic terrorists since 2009, as rights groups continue to warn of genocide.

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