Uganda: Pastor murdered by Islamist relatives for refusing to denounce Christ, “We need prayers”

A 42-year-old pastor in eastern Uganda was dragged out of his house and brutally murdered on the street earlier this month by Muslim relatives enraged that he refused to renounce Christ, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. While Christianity is legal in Uganda, former Muslims who turn to Christ are frequently violently attacked by Islamic extremists in their communities or families.

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Nigeria: Gunmen shoot dead the son of a Baptist pastor, abduct pastor’s wife and others, “we are fervently praying to God”

As the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria continues with minimal intervention by the government, gunmen in Kaduna state on Friday shot and killed the son of a Baptist pastor before abducting the pastor’s wife and three other people, the Christian Post (CP) reports.

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Indonesia: Church allowed to reopen after local Muslims shut it down

In a remarkable piece of good news for persecuted Indonesian Christians, a church in Bandar Lampung has been allowed to reopen after local Muslim village authorities and residents interrupted a worship service and forced it to close down last month, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. The Kemah Daud Christian Church had been in the middle of a Sunday service on February 19 when the disruption and subsequent closure occurred.

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India: Pastor and his wife arrested/imprisoned under Uttar Pradesh anti-conversion laws

A pastor and his wife in India’s Uttar Pradesh state have been criminally charged and imprisoned under harsh local anti-conversion laws for allegedly luring Hindus into becoming Christians, Scroll reports. Ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party since 2014, India ranks 11th on the US Open Doors World Watch List 2023 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

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