Belarus: Authorities ban Christian church congregation from holding worship services

Authorities have now ordered the congregation at the New Life Church in Minsk, Belarus, to stop even the outdoor parking lot meetings they were reduced to after city officials sealed their church building last year, Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reports. Ideologically close and loyal to Russia’s President Putin, Belarus’ authoritarian regime has criminalized unregistered Christian activity.

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Uganda: Two evangelists attacked after leading Muslims to Christ

Two evangelists in eastern Uganda were brutally attacked by Islamic extremists after they led a number of Muslims to Christ at a public debate on Islam and Christianity last month, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda, but extremists from the country’s minority Muslim population have conducted violent attacks against Christians they consider a threat to Islam.

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Uganda: New converts to Christ severely beaten by Islamic extremists

New cases of violent attacks by Islamic extremists against converts to Christ in Uganda continue to be reported: last month, a father of four in Kaliro District was subjected to forty lashes for leaving Islam, and a 52-year-old mother in neighboring Kibuku District was kicked and beaten with sticks until she sustained severe injuries, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

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Young Children Of Late Deacon Killed In Sudan

Sudanese Christians are mourning after suspected Muslim militants killed the three young children of a deceased Catholic Church deacon in Sudan’s Central Darfur region, Worthy News established late Tuesday.

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Myanmar: Army restricts aid to civilians including Christians

The Refugees International non-profit organization reported last month that the Burmese Army (Tatmadaw) in Myanmar has been restricting humanitarian aid to civilians, notably in areas with large populations of Christians, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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China: Two church leaders remain in prison after arrest for attending Gospel event

A preacher and church coworker from the heavily persecuted Xuncheng Reformed Church in China’s Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, are still in jail after being arrested in November for “illegally” traveling to Malaysia to attend a Christian conference, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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