They Sang in their Cells in Bangladesh Despite Persecution

Tuesday, August 6, 2002

Three Gospel for Asia Bible school students in Bangladesh were sharing Christ in the village of Vasu during a six-month ministry assignment. Muslim extremists, angry to see a Gospel witness in their village, went to the police with false claims that the young men were terrorists.

At 5:30 a.m. on March 18, army police arrested the men and took them in for questioning. Though the missionary trainees carefully explained their identity, the authorities put them behind bars. It was a nightmarish day the three will never forget.

The students were severely beaten with bamboo rods and endured unthinkable torture. One of the police officers pierced a pin into the fingernail of one brother, causing him excruciating pain. For the whole day all three were writhing in pain, unable even to move because they had been so brutally beaten. From the next day on, the police were lenient and allowed them to sing and pray in their cell-witnessing for Jesus even to their persecutors. Meanwhile, local GFA leaders diligently sought to secure their freedom.

Finally, 23 days after the arrest, the students were released upon signing a bond. While the investigation of their case continues, they are required to report to the police station on a regular basis. Thankfully they are in good spirits.

These dedicated young men--Lal, Hebrai, and Roal--all come from the same tribal group and are ministering among the Tripuri tribal communities of Bangladesh. Even on that terrible day of beating, they had joy to share in the sufferings of Christ and are ready, if necessary, to give their lives for Jesus' sake. Please pray that they will stand strong in faith and that God will use them to bring thousands to faith in Christ.

Visit Gospel for Asia for more information.