Uganda: 5 evangelist-church planters murdered by Islamic extremists

Monday, September 12, 2022

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - Islamic extremists in Uganda murdered five evangelists from the End Time Word Ministry church last month by throwing them off the commercial transport boat they were preaching the Gospel and traveling to plant a church, Morning Star News reports. Christianity is legal in Uganda, but Muslim extremists have carried out increasing violent attacks against believers, whom they consider a threat to Islam.

The Christians from the End Time Word Ministry church were on a commercial boat sailing across Lake Kyoga from Nakasongola District to Apac District in order to plant a church in the Aduku area, a survivor of the attack, deacon Amos Kyakulaga, told Morning Star News. The believers were murdered after they stood up and began to preach the Gospel on the boat. “On our way, Tonny Ankunda started preaching to the people on the boat, which resulted in a huge argument between Muslims and the missionaries concerning the Sonship of our Lord Jesus Christ,” Kyakulaga told MSN.

Kyakulaga recalled one of the Muslims, identified as Bashir, threatening the Christians, saying: “‘If you continue insisting that Jesus is the Son of God, then Allah will kill all of you. We are giving you one last minute to stop your blasphemy and to convert by confessing the shahada (Islamic creed), or else your lives are at risk.’” Kyakulaga recalled.

When the Christians refused to renounce Christ, a group of 10 Muslims threw them overboard one by one, Kyakulaga said. The five Christians have been identified as: Ankunda, 44; Peter Agaba, 28; Juliet Ashaba, 39; Johnson Karungi, 27; and Julius Lweere, 52.

Police have been contacted to investigate the crimes, MSN said.