Uganda: Two newly Christian brothers beaten and disowned by Muslim family, “we need prayers so that God may comfort us”

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) - Two brothers in eastern Uganda who recently accepted Christ were severely beaten and then disowned by family members enraged that they had left Islam, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

Christianity is legal in Uganda but many former Muslims who put their faith in Christ have been violently attacked by Islamic family members.

Janati Tisuubira, 22, and 33-year-old Ibrahim Musa Kakembo accepted Christ after moving away from their home in Bunya, Mayuge District, to work in Mbale in May, MSN reports. While in Mbale, the brothers heard the Gospel preached on the radio, and then traveled to the preacher’s church to hear more. “At the end of the service, my brother and I remained behind,” Kakembo told Morning Star News. “There we talked to the pastor and asked several questions relating to the gospel message that he had preached over the radio. After that we believed in Issa [Jesus].”

The brothers returned home to Bunya on June 2 to attend the funeral of their sister and at about 10 pm had retired to their room to listen to a pastor preaching on the radio, and to pray. Their older brother caught them and summoned other family members who all began to beat the two Christians.

“They accused us that we are no longer Muslims,” Kakembo said. “Our elder brother, Shaban, a teacher by profession at Ibun Bazi Islamic Center, got angry with us and started beating us with a blunt object which he had with him as the rest of the members also joined in and started beating us badly,” Kakembo continued. The brother’s father then came in and ordered the beating to stop - but added: “Just send them away from my home – from today on, I am no longer their father, and they are no longer my children,” Kakembo said.

The Christians have had to go into hiding, MSN reports. “We are ostracized and disowned – we need prayers so that God may comfort us as we feel rejected,” Kakembo said.