Nigeria: Pastor abducted by Islamic State terrorists to be executed March 3 unless ransom is paid; “Please pray for me”

Pleading for his life, a pastor abducted by Islamic terrorists in northeastern Nigeria on December 24 last year has said on video that his captors will execute him on Wednesday, March 3 if their ransom demands are not met, Morning Star News reports. Pastor Bulus Yikura of the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria was (EYN) was abducted during an attack by Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) on Pemi village in Borno state; 11 other people were slaughtered during that attack.

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Gunmen abduct 317 schoolgirls in Nigeria in wave of mass abductions; “Hoping on Divine intervention”

Armed terrorists abducted 317 girls from a boarding school in Nigeria’s Kagara state Friday, the Christian Post reports. The mass kidnapping was the second such attack in the state in two weeks, and the latest case in a wave of Nigerian terrorist kidnappings for ransom.

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Fulani terrorists slaughter villagers in Nigeria: “Pray for the Nigerian government”

Continuing their reign of terror in Nigeria, Fulani militants murdered six villagers and severely injured many more in an attack in Ogun State Thursday, International Christian Concern reports. As the gratuitous killing of civilians by Fulani terrorists has continued unabated for years, Nigeria’s President Muhammad Buhari, who is also Fulani, has been heavily criticized for failing to keep Nigerians safe from the militants.

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Nigerian government executes six Christian soldiers: “Nigeria is becoming like Rwanda”

The Nigerian government executed six Christian soldiers on trumped-up charges in Abuja last month, a civil rights lawyer has told the Christian Post. According to Emeka Umeagbalasi, Chair of the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, the soldiers were framed for a crime committed by one of their superiors.

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Nigeria: Fulani Muslim herdsmen continue murderous attacks on Christians

As Islamist violence against Christians in Nigeria continues unabated, Fulani Muslim herdsmen recently killed two clergymen and burned down a Christian conference hall in the country’s Middle Belt, Morning Star News reports. The chairman of the Niger state Christian Association of Nigeria, Rev. Mathias Echioda, told Morning Star News: “There’s the urgent need for Nigeria’s government to put an end to these barbaric acts.”

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