India Hindu Militants To "Behead" Evangelists
The leader of a hardline Hindu group wants India's constitution to legalize the killing of Christian evangelists and, for instance, promoters of other non-Hindu religions.
The leader of a hardline Hindu group wants India's constitution to legalize the killing of Christian evangelists and, for instance, promoters of other non-Hindu religions.
Following complaints from radical Hindu groups, police recently closed Pentecostal churches in the districts of Hassan and Bangalore.
Four Pentecostal pastors in Madhya Pradesh were recently beaten and arrested on charges of forced conversion, spending a night in jail before making bail.
Christians are regularly attacked in Karnataka by Hindu nationalists, while the authorities "turn a blind eye," according to Sajan K. George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians, concerning yet another case of abuse against so called forced conversions.
Authorities backed by Hindu militants have halted the reconstruction of a Baptist church that was destroyed in deadly anti-Christian violence in India's volatile state of Orissa, local Christians said.
For two consecutive Sundays, church service was disrupted in Karnataka while clergy were roughed-up and arrested on false forced conversion charges.
Christians who were recently relocated to Nandagiri have been ordered to suspend construction of their small church to satisfy the region's radical Hindus.
After days of searching, the body of Christian activist Micael Digal was found near the village of Mdikia in Kandhamal; after an autopsy, police ruled the death as "accidental".
Police arrested three pastors of the Gospel Messengers Team along with the couple who hosted them in Bighapur on false charges of forcibly converting people of other religions.
Several Gospel for Asia missionaries are encountering intense opposition, but persecution is not uncommon in this part of the world: entire families have been forced to leave their homes and villages because of the cause of Christ.