Church of England Appoints "Overseers" to Support Members Who Do Not Accept Same-Sex Marriage

Amid ongoing division and disagreement over LGBT issues in the Church of England, the CofE Evangelical Council (CEEC) has appointed “overseers” to provide informal alternative spiritual oversight (ASO) to clergy and parishes that do not accept same-sex marriage and who are struggling with their denomination’s progressive moves on the matter, Christian Today (CT) reports.

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Church of England considers referencing God in gender-neutral terms

The Church of England has confirmed it is examining the possibility of changing its liturgy to reference God in gender-neutral terms instead of as “Father,” “Him,” and “He,” the New York Post (NYP) reports. However, the denomination has said there are no plans to make changes to the current liturgy at present, and any future change would require “extensive legislation.”

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UK: Pro-life activist arrested for silent prayer inside buffer zone is left in legal limbo

A UK pro-life activist who was arrested for allegedly praying silently within an abortion clinic buffer zone has been left in a state of “significant uncertainty” after Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service dropped its charge against her but said the indictment may yet be reinstated, Christian Today (CT) reports. 

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